Disinfecting Robots Used To Fight Hospital-Acquired Infections
Some hospitals are using robots equipped with xenon lights to disinfect rooms and reduce infections. The germ eliminating machines, known as Xenex robots, use full-spectrum, pulsing xenon lights to disinfect rooms. Deadly ultraviolet light is released from the robots to kill bacteria and viruses. Prior models of germ killing robots used bulbs with mercury, a… Read more »
Tags: MRSA Hospital Infections
Posted in Medical Malpractice
Have Hospitals Become Overrun With Deadly Bacteria?
Several months ago, we wrote about a new strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria that had spread at a Los Angeles hospital. However, this was not an isolated instant: there are many cases around the country of dangerous pathogens injuring and killing patients. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hospital acquired infections (HAIs) affected… Read more »
Tags: MRSA Hospital Infections
Posted in Medical Malpractice