Parents Sue Florida Hospital After Horrifying Medical Mistake
Two parents have filed a lawsuit for medical malpractice after a horrifying medical mistake left their 19-month-old daughter unable to eat solid foods. The child was rushed to a Florida hospital by her mother after swallowing a small lithium button battery. These batteries generate electrical currents when they come into contact with human tissue.
After arriving at the emergency room, the doctor in charge of the child’s treatment underscored the situation. According to the parents, the doctor claimed the daughter was in no danger, and that swallowing the battery was comparable to ingesting a quarter. The doctor ordered an X-ray instead of surgically removing the battery. Ironically, the doctor’s website claims surgeons must remove batteries within two hours to prevent esophageal burns.
Surgeons removed the battery after five hours, and the girl suffered severe burns to her esophagus. She can now only eat blended or baby foods. According to the parents, their daughter has undergone more than 20 surgeries to repair scar tissue to her esophagus. This has cost the parents hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Had the doctor removed the battery within the recommended two-hour time-frame, this horrific situation may not have unfolded.
Why Should Parents File a Lawsuit for Medical Malpractice?
Health care workers are expected to provide treatment within the established standard of care. When doctors fail to provide this standard to their practice, patients and their families pay a steep price. The financial and emotional toll of medical mistakes can ruin lives.
Parents of children harmed by medical mistakes should consult with an attorney to explore possible legal options. Damages from a medical malpractice lawsuit can help cover the costs of treatments and medications associated with injuries and pain and suffering.
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