Did You Know You Can Check Your Hospital Safety Score?
Would you spend thousands of dollars at a restaurant without checking the reviews first? How about the hospital performing your next heart surgery? Checking a hospital safety score may help you avoid medical mistakes or being exposed to deadly superbugs.
The Leapfrog Group is an organization obsessed with hospital safety. They conduct detailed surveys on hospitals throughout the country, and then assign a letter score based on various criteria. While assigning grades, the organization looks at the hospital’s history of patient safety issues, injuries, accidents and infections. In addition, the survey considers how each hospital helps families and patients avoid errors.
You can discover the safety grade of your local hospital by visiting www.hospitalsafetyscore.com, a web page operated by the Leapfrog Group. If you pull up “search by zip code”, you can tailor the results to your location.
Now you can see what separates hospitals who received a “D” from those received an “A” grade. One of the results that received a D grade had higher rates of MRSA, C. diff, and surgical site infections. This hospital also had high rates of complications during surgeries, poor practices to prevent errors, and other safety issues. Hospitals that received A grades had lower rates of these issues.
Fatal Medical Errors Kill Thousands Every Year!
Remember, medical errors have become a primary cause of death in the United States. Recent reports claim only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
You have the tools to reduce your odds of being harmed by these mistakes. Websites, apps and other services exist that allow you to choose doctors and hospitals based on their safety records.
Tags: Healthcare