Medical Malpractice Lawyers Near Tampa Bay Fight To Elevate Healthcare Standards
Attorney Mission Statement: Causes Not Cases

Attorney Richard M. Shapiro founded the Shapiro Law Group on a mission to offer quality legal representation to people facing catastrophic personal injury from accidents caused by negligence and medical malpractice. Although medical technology has made great strides, there has also been a marked downfall of personalized patient care. After growing up in a family of doctors and seeing what proper patient care should be, Richard could not sit idly by as he witnessed the complete opposite become prevalent within the modern healthcare industry. This is a major driving force as to why he became a medical malpractice lawyer and patient advocate.
Shapiro Law Group fights back by taking on the causes, not just the cases, of our clients. When an insurance company or hospital is held legally responsible for preventable mistakes, incentives exist to change poor policies. Our hope is that such changes will elevate hospital practices and prevent injuries to future patients.
Personalized Attorney Representation for the Best Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Outcomes
Victims of medical negligence often have a difficult physical recovery without the added burden of having to go toe-to-toe with the multibillion-dollar healthcare industry in a complex legal battle. The victims should concentrate on their physical and emotional recoveries. Thus, our medical malpractice lawyers take up the battle after doctor mistakes and hospital negligence on behalf of these families.
Richard also focuses his personal injury practice on brain injury, spinal cord injury and paralysis lawsuits. A majority of the clients Shapiro Law Group represents are children who have suffered life-altering medical malpractice in birth injury cases. He is one of few attorneys in the country with experience representing children blinded by improper treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
Consequently, Richard feels that these children are not just his clients; they become a part of his family forever.
Let Our Tampa Bay Medical Malpractice Attorneys Review Your Potential Case
Our medical malpractice lawyers only take a limited number of clients each year. We do this because it allows us to give our clients and their causes our full attention and effort to achieve real change in the healthcare industry.
Our Florida law firm also offers free initial consultations and no cost case reviews. These reviews often require experts to review your medical documents. We work on a contingency fee basis. Because of this, we are able to offer representation to people who have no money for medical malpractice lawsuits. Therefore, if we agree to represent you, we require no upfront costs and we advance necessary costs of a lawsuit. Once you receive a verdict or settlement, attorney fees and costs will then be paid to us. You will not owe any attorney fees or costs if your case is not successful.
Call (800) 258-HELP or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation today.