Medical Malpractice: Why an Experienced Attorney Matters
In the field of medical malpractice there are many unfortunate incidents that can befall patients. From a delayed diagnosis to hospital mistakes, and even catastrophic personal injury, the need for a seasoned medical malpractice attorney cannot be overstated. For the same reasons that you would want quality work done for you in any other setting,… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice
Kidney Donor Files Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Most of us expect organ transplants to be an operation in which doctors do their due diligence in assessing both the donor and recipient. However, as the Waco Tribune-Herald reports, this was not the outcome in a recent medical malpractice case that concerned a kidney transplant. A woman from Waco, Texas donated a kidney to… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Surgical Errors
Birth Injury the Focus of Medical Malpractice Suit
While much of the media’s focus concerning medical malpractice centers on adults, the truth is that birth injuries are not as uncommon as one would think. With four million babies being born in the United States each year, adults need to be more aware of the unfortunate consequences that can often accompany a birth injury…. Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence
Labor Day and Medical Malpractice Safety
As you know, the Labor Day weekend is a time to relax in the company of family and friends. However, with an extended weekend and holiday, many times accidents can abound. In some instances, accidents will be unavoidable and after that it is most important that you receive competent medical care. With that thought in… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Medication Errors, Misdiagnosis, Surgical Errors
Settlements Won’t Keep Doctors out of National Database
Oftentimes, we see that physician’s insurers are hesitant to go to trial if the physician has made glaring medical errors, such as surgical mistakes and medication errors. The insurers will typically favor an out of court settlement. However, as “” reports, this will not keep the physicians out of national databanks that report on malpractice… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Medication Errors
Failure to Diagnose Leads to Cancer Spreading to Lungs
Many times, we look at medical malpractice with a linear focus that includes only physician mistakes and surgical mistakes. However, failure to diagnose is a form of medical malpractice that is just as prevalent as others, and as The Lima News reports, one that can have devastating consequences. When one patient developed pain and lost… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Misdiagnosis
Federal Doctors Liable for Medical Malpractice through State Boards
We have previously discussed some of the issues of medical malpractice that have occurred at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals across the nation. Now, as “Disabled Veterans” reports, we are served with the reminder that VA and other federal government doctors may also be subject to their state licensing boards for medical malpractice…. Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence
Video Conferencing for Medical Appointments, Is It Wise?
Everyone knows of the anxiety that can come with visiting a doctor’s office. Sometimes, it can even be hard to make the time to get to a physician’s office. However, recent developments in communications technology are beginning to change some of these problems. As Health TechZone reports, “Doctor on Demand” is a new concept that… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Medication Errors, Misdiagnosis
Medical Mediation, Does It Work?
In much of the legal system, mediation is seen as a preferable option to oftentimes lengthy litigation. It would stand to reason then, that medical mediation would be the preferable option to medical malpractice lawsuits. As the Journal Sentinel explains, it commonly is not. When one man’s wife suffered a fatal heart attack in her… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence
Robotic Surgery and Prostate Cancer, Is It the Best Answer?
The development of medical equipment and technology is a long and detailed process, as every product is put through rigorous sets of tests to ensure that the side effects are limited to a controlled few. However, there are instances in which an approved device may be detrimental to patients later. We recently posted a blog… Read more »
Posted in Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Surgical Errors