Do Teaching Hospitals Have Higher Rates of Central Line Infections?

Posted on December 05, 2016 by

Improperly used IV lines are responsible for 20 percent of hospital-acquired infections. An estimated 27,000 people fell victim to central line infections in 2015. One in four patients who develop these infections die. Many hospitals have reduced rates of central line infections by 50 percent since 2008. However, a new study released by Consumer Reports… Read more »

Tags: Superbug
Posted in Medical Negligence

Centers for Disease Control Issues CRE Superbug Warning

Posted on October 14, 2015 by

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a warning about superbugs in hospitals. Superbugs are bacteria that have evolved to become resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance makes superbugs notoriously difficult to treat. The warning came after the CDC found CRE in seven major metropolitan area hospitals. CDC researchers spent the last year observing hospitals… Read more »

Tags: Superbug
Posted in Medical Malpractice


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