Miami Butt Lift Surgeon Under Fire for Injuring Patients

A Miami butt lift surgeon is in hot water with the Florida Department of Health after allegedly injuring four patients. The doctor, who specializes in liposuction and Brazilian butt lifts, has disputed an attempt to revoke his medical license. Some of you may be unfamiliar with Brazilian butt lifts, so a short description is in order. Brazilian butt lifts are a cosmetic procedure where patients undergo liposuctions and have fatty tissue transplanted into their buttocks.
Like many types of cosmetic surgeries, Brazilian butt lifts can go wrong. Four patients, all of whom were between the ages of 29 and 35, have accused the doctor of inflicting injuries that required extensive hospitalization.
What are the specific charges against the butt lift surgeon? Complaints against the doctor allege he used the wrong type and concentration of a local anesthetic and that he discharged patients to medical facilities incapable of providing a standard quality of care. In addition, the complaints also suggest he pierced the organs of his patients during their procedures.
After the complaints were filed, the Florida Department of Health issued an order that temporarily suspended the doctor from carrying out butt lift surgeries. Although we often discuss medical malpractice involving common procedures on our blog, cosmetic surgery (often called plastic surgery) can also be a source of harm for patients.
The Permanent Consequences of Cosmetic Surgery and Medical Wrongdoing
When cosmetic surgeries go wrong, patients can suffer disfigurement, disability and death. The story of a former Scottish soccer pro who underwent a tummy tuck after multiple pregnancies can serve as an example.
During the liposuction aspect of the procedure, her bowels and colon were punctured nine times. She later developed blood poisoning, kidney failure, a collapsed lung and experienced cardiac arrest. After the surgery, she spent seven years recovering as doctors attempted to reconstruct her abdominal wall. All of the surgeries failed to restore the former soccer pro to her old self and she later died.
Medical wrongdoing involving cosmetic surgery is especially depressing. Patients trust hospitals and doctors to change an aspect of themselves they are uncomfortable with. When mistakes are made, patients are often left in an even worse situation.
The Tampa Bay medical malpractice attorneys at Shapiro Law Group can help hold negligent hospitals accountable.
Tags: PlasticSurgery